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Sunday, November 20, 2011

An evening stroll

      Saturday is just now ending as I write this day’s such and such. It really is such an amazing thing when time becomes irrelevant. My day started with just one thing on my list of things to do; I needed to get enrolled in a language program. Initially, I had planned on getting this language learning thing going earlier, but all of the programs that I looked into have already begun their sessions or were just too damn far away from my place of residence to be worth the walk. Trying to get some information via the web, I found to be difficult. After emailing this one location, that I am most interested into going to, 3 times and getting no reply; I decided to take a walk to the physical location of the aforementioned school. I thought maybe communicating using the techniques of primitive man would afford me some idea as to when the hell this language course would begin their lessons. The walk to the school is only about a thirty minute walk and the office does not open until nine in the morning. So, after throwing myself from the sanctuary of my comfy little bed and doing the morning custom, I put one foot in front of the other at around 8:30AM and shut the door behind me. Next, I stopped at my breakfast place, where I chatted for a bit with my two favorite morning ladies – I will need to get some pics of these wonderful women for my next post - , there smiles and demeanor inspire me to move forward with each day. They and the tasty meal get my day started in a good way. Upon finishing my meal I went on to the school. It looks to be about a 30 minute walk to get to class, which is not too bad and I can always get my breakfast on the way. The only issue with the class is the fact that they began instruction on Monday the 14th of November. The fucks, I emailed them well before this 14th start day and it sure would have been nice to hear back from them and to be included in the classes from the get go. So be it, I guess I should have made this walk at an earlier time. They have said that I may slide on into the second week of the already begun course and they will still charge me for the entire course – nice to know that I will be paying for a five week course but will only be attending 4 of those weeks. Another option is to wait until January the 9th to begin classes. “Fuck it dude, let’s go bowling” – “The Big Lebowski”- , is how I respond to this. It will be nice to get started on the classes even if I’m a week behind and I suppose that in January I will move on to the next level of the Thai course. It’s really not that much money and so I’m not too put off by paying for the five weeks. The cost is right round $60 for the entire course and books. Well I’m not sure what the hell I did during the day, but it ended up being about a four hour walk by the time I got home. Once I got back, I had a little lunch, worked on guitar for 2 hours – I still suck even with all my darn practice -, and then did a little reading.

            Once the day began to loose its sharpness and drift into the slow fade to night. I felt the need to get back out into the activity of the town. The great thing about tonight is that it’s Saturday night and every Saturday night the city has a huge night market set up in the old silver district. I am not sure of the significance or of the history of this “Old Silver District” but there was an effort to list this nomenclature on the site that I was reading, so I feel the need to list it as well. At 6:10 PM, I walked out my door and headed to the market. After about a 45 minute walk, I found myself in the midst of a huge street market. Shopping is really not something that I really get too into, especially street markets. The food is different here and these markets have been around for hundreds of years but all in all it was reminiscent of walking up and down the aisles of a flea market. The best thing about the market was simply watching all of the people, and there were a ton of people to watch. There were street performers, food and mercantile vendors, locals, and a good number of tourists to spy upon. Initially, I planned on walking down the entire line of vendors and on the way back through, maybe I would stop to buy something. Hell, after walking about a mile through a wall of people, I decided it best to just take my exit and find a place that would serve me a nice cold glass of fermented hops. All in all, I walked the night streets for a little over 3 hours and never did I find a bar that felt like it would suit my need to simply relax and enjoy my beverage. Most of the bars that I saw on the east side of town were just swimming with white faces that ranged from the scruffy hippie type to blotchy old perverted fat man type. It’s funny how this whole east side of the old town is like a Caribbean cruise line’s port of call. The whole feel was much like a Tijuana vacation and I didn’t want any part of this area of town during the night. There was one good thing about walking through this area at night, it was damn great for peeping at all these different types of people and their interactions. People watching is something that I love to do; it’s one of the only things that I enjoy about being at an international airport, and it was really the only thing to enjoy on this side of town. So, I was somewhat let down that serendipity didn’t step in and guide me with her sweet hand into some sort of unique and wonderful occurrence. Either way, it was a nice 3 hour walk around this little big town of mine and I wasn’t too let down. I stopped off at a nearby grocer as I neared my little place, grabbed a few beers, and then went on home to watch a movie to close out the evening. That “Beginners” movie was a damn fine show, thanks Morgan for the suggestion.

If you get a chance, please click on one of the ads on this site. The revenue is paying for my monthly internet bill. Thanks man. 

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