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Saturday, October 29, 2011

A walk in the old neighborhood.

I got out there today on the grimy but well swept streets of Chiang Mai this AM. There was not much sleep to be had last night, unfortunately this restless evening was caused by cyclical thoughts that would not part from my mind. I did try some Thai wine last night and Thunderbird came to mind upon the first sip, the first sip was the last. This may have had something to do with the poor sleep as well.

Anyway, to the point; the air is heavy here with humidity that not even Houstonians could appreciate and it is still pretty hot in this parts. But so be it, I had a few things to get done in order to get a little peace and to put to rest these uncompleted task. So I got up around 6 AM after about just three hours of sleep and 6 hours of tossing and turning. I then had what the B and B called a western breakfast, which consisted of two hard eggs, a slice of ham and two nasty ass hotdogs, oh and some toast, the toast was tasty. The Thai breakfast yesterday was much tastier than this fat mans delight. What ya gonna do… I ate most of the breakfast but I just could not get past that first slimy dog, I left it where it lay. Anyway, I digress. So I went on a walk and saw a bunch of temples. I wish I could say more about the temples but after awhile, like gothic churches in Europe and trains in the states, they all started to bleed together. Yes, they were some damn beautiful buildings and I am sure they were extremely old, but did I mention I had just 3 hours of sleep and besides I was on a mission to get a few odds and ends cleared up.

It is an unfortunate aspect of my mind that requires all task be compete prior to pursuing relaxation. On my to do list was, find a damn international cell phone that took a sim card that could be upped with minutes or changed out for a sim card with more minutes, to meet with the real estate agent to look at a place closer to town and to find away to open a banking account in Thailand. The phone is in hand, the agent has been met and I found a way around the bank account thing. Now, I am just tired, but my head is a little clearer and that, I hope, will allow me to get some sleep tonight. Also, I hope this clarity will help me focus on the joy of watching 10,000 floating lanterns light up the evening sky.

Wish me luck.

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