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Saturday, October 29, 2011


Whew! What a day. It sure is no cake walk trying to get a place to live, a phone, and even access to ones own money. Sure, I saw some really gorgeous sites today on my travels from real estate agent, apartments and my vain attempts to locate an international cell phone. I wouldn’t really call this site seeing but it’s all that I have had so far. Here’s a pic of me in a tuk tuk going from here to there.

I had it all worked out before I got here; I programmed a GPS with all of the necessary stops and even had a nice time schedule. Unfortunately it seems that my GPS is only picking up reception at night and not during the day. So that is part one of my plan going to pot, and this is a bad thing, but the worst failure in my planning is the fact that my beloved Netflix and Hulu do not work over in this foreign land. I know, I know, I should have checked to see that these sites worked before landing in Thailand. But that is just it, I did check and it was confirmed several times that these sites did stream here and how nice it was to have here in Chiang Mai. I guess that I still have not figured out that everything you read on the internet is not necessarily as it is stated.

And then, to top off my stress, this whole lantern release that I have wanted to see for a year now is not %100 set in stone as to date of release. It is about %90 set but the monks throwing the lantern release festival have set two dates, one for tourist at $100 a pop and one for the locals for free. Of course I fall into the tourist class but I also fall into the cheap don’t want to pay $100 class as well. These two release dates are set a week apart and most sites list the $100 festival as the only release. Anyway, trying to get transport 13KM out of town has been an adventure and one that has yet to be completed. Wish me luck and if you see pics of flying fire incased in a paper skin sometime soon, then you will know that I at least took care of that one adventure.

Wish me well as I do for you.


  1. We're glad you made it. Too bad about the NetFlix and Hulu. :( Mike says pay the $100 for the lanterns if you have to. You went really far to see them. Any problems from the floods? - Downeys

  2. I have hitched a ride with a local here and should be heading out shortly to have a meal and then check out the lanterns. No issues with the floods here in Chiang Mai, and thank goodness for that, Bangkok looks a mess. Much love to the Downy clan and kisses to your little cherubs.

  3. Annie, would you send me your and Mike's email address. I don't have it. Email me at
