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Monday, October 31, 2011

My new place

After the glow of the lantern festival and of all the wonderful sensations circulating through my mind and body from the event; I still had some major hurdles to surmount in order to get a solid footing here in this beautiful foreign land. And so I slept and prepared for my Sunday morning meeting that was set to be at 10 AM. I was to meet up with a fellow who would help guide me through the process of getting a decent place to reside for my stay here in Chiang Mai. Initially, the day after I arrived here in Chiang Mai I checked out a few spots that were very nice but so damn far away from some major necessities, such as a grocery store, cheap food vendors and a place to sit for a night time beverage and wind down. These places were close to a nice golf course which in it self almost had me convinced to live in the Georgetown of Chiang Mai. For those that don’t get this reference, just think of living in the suburbs of a major city and trying to walk into town for a drink.

Well, I got on the boards and asked the masses of ex-pats that already have gone through these steps and missteps for a little guidance as to my choice to live so far out from the old town center. Responses varied, but the overall consensus was that unless I got myself a set of wheels I would simply whither on the vine and not truly experience the subtleties that make Chiang Mai so inviting to so many. Anxiety began to creep in again and led me to a mad dash to find a place that was affordable and near where things were more energized and tactile. Of course it also needed to be in an area that will afford me a peaceful nights sleep. Only one place I found on the net fit the bill, and although I felt poorly for already telling my agent that I would take the place out in the burbs, I kept in mind that this cat worked on some sort of commission and I quickly lost any sympathy for the inconvenience that I may have caused the guy. Nice guy by the way, he offered to pick me up on his day off and show me the place.

“Man O man, this place is so utterly perfect”. This internal statement I tried to keep to myself in order to leave a little room for negotiation. But hell, my face and mannerisms have a way of showing whatever it is that I am thinking and my excitement got the better of me. “I’ll take it”, were the words that jumped from internal to external in an instant. Maybe it was my excitement that made them take $1000 baht from the original set monthly rent, either way, I was happy that things went as they did. Negotiating is a fucking hassle and I leave it to the snake oil sales men in the world out there that set prices in order to take advantage of those that naively take that price as it is set; this is a digression and pet peeve on my part.

In addition to my excitement in getting this place that is set so near to the city center and that encompasses all of things that I was hoping for when I envisioned living in this town. Was the fact that the woman that owns the condo and who was there to show it to me is also a manager at the Bangkok Bank here in Chiang Mai. She offered to call one of her staff to help me set up an account at the bank. So after leaving the condo and filling out some paper work, my agent drove me by the place I am at now, picked up my passport and he then dropped me off at the bank. When I arrived at the bank, an account manager was waiting for me and lickety split, I now have an ATM card and an account here in Chiang Mai. Another to do was just crossed off the list.

Well, I have rambled on and raddled about this and that for too long now. My excitement of the occurrence of events may be the cause of such things.

Now, I am just relaxing while reading and enjoying a little refreshing adult beverage on ice.

Here is a link to the place that I will be staying. Rent is $366 a month and I get maid service every 2 weeks along with free laundry service. Now the pics on this link do not convey how nice this place is now that the owner has added a few finishing touches. So I will update this post with a few pics of the place when I move in on Thursday.

Wish me luck and I wish you well.